keeley 8th June 2009

nanan so precious to us all and so brave and strong to the end,i miss seeing you face light up when we used to walk in the door to your's and grandads house. The massive hug i'd get,the dinner you always laid out for us even when you were ill you made sure i had my onions and cucumber in vinegar. ( the bribe you'd use to get me to come see you) But you didnt need a bribe nanan coming to see you was wonderful sharing christmas's with you when the house would be full with so much fun and laughter. Your are truely missed nanan but you have left such a strong bond behind, a family that have been through more than most and we all keep your memory alive. Please look after dad for us dont give him too much earache for interupting you peace and quiet. Im glad he's back with you now and your both now free from pain. Lots of love always nanan love keeleyanne xxxxxxx